Wednesday, May 22, 2013



It's wonderful when you stumble upon something great. Especially when it's something that's usually hard to find even when you're actually looking. So when my veggie-hungry stomach came across this vegan cafe in a quiet part of East London, it was very happy.

I have recently decided to go vegan. The details of why and how I won't go into for this post but let's just say that vegan restaurants/cafes are few and far between in Europe. "What the heck do you eat?" is a common question asked by any Parisian you care to explain your eating habits to.

 But London is not like most European capitals. You can find everything in London, vegan-friendly options included. So I guess it's not unusual to just happen upon a place like The Gallery Cafe: a not-for-profit, vegan/vegetarian cafe that welcomes you to just come and sit a while. You'll most likely share one of the long tables with a stranger flipping open their Mac or hiding their face behind a newspaper. You're guaranteed to get lost day-dreaming, staring out the big windows into their back garden, or admiring the random artwork taped to the walls.

While not everything written on the blackboard menu is vegan, the choice is still there and the flavor too. It's easy to whip up a non-meat burger option, but it's not very common to find one with vegan cheese. The Gallery Cafe's burger comes in both versions. The hardest grub to turn down are the freshly baked goods that greet you when you walk through the door as, unfortunately, they are non-vegan fare.
And while the service might be a bit, ahem, slow, this is justified by the relaxed and easy-going vibe the place respires.

The Gallery Cafe goes beyond the standard of providing healthy, satisfying food and free wifi. They also host live music, comedy and spoken word events, exhibitions, and festivals. And being not-for-profit, everything earned from the cafe and its events goes into funding the projects run by its partner charity, St. Margaret's House

The Gallery Cafe
21 Old For Road
Bethnal Green E2 9PL


  1. Looks definitely worth a visit :)

  2. Seattle Dredge ✈August 21, 2013 at 3:55 AM

    Mmm everything looks delicious and I would totally love to hang out in this cafe


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