“The eternal traveler syndrome is this feeling you get of not being comfortable anywhere you go because you always want to be somewhere else. It’s the feeling that you will never be happy in just one place. It’s the anxiety that comes when thinking you’re missing out on something…”
This is how Lucia and Ruben, eternal travelers and writers of the blog Algo Que Recordar (Something to Remember), define The Eternal Traveler Syndrome. And while the words aren’t my own, they could have been. As I watched their short film of the same title, I found myself nodding at every thought or feeling they described. It struck a chord, and they so beautifully articulated (and filmed) an emotion I’ve had, but couldn’t quite put into words, for so long.

If you have ever felt any, or all, of the symptoms described above, I encourage you to watch the short film that Lucia and Ruben created, included below. It’s in Spanish, but with English subtitles to follow along. And because I cannot describe the feeling in words any better than they already have, I turn it over to film:

[Video credit: c/o Algo Que Recordar // Photo credit: c/o Carmen Gonzalez]