Today is World Book Day. It is also the anniversary of writers like Miguel Cervantes’ death, but that is no coincidence. In my struggle to come up with the right words to describe the significance of literature, I came across a saying that goes something like: “When you read, you live a thousand lives. When you don’t, you live just one.” Given that I have just revealed to you one of the secrets to immortality, you may want to head out (or online) and grab some books.

A writer I know collaborates with the online community of expats called Writers Abroad, and when she told me about their annual anthology, I knew it was a perfect book to recommend here. Foreign & Far Away is the group’s fourth anthology, filled with over 90 literary works, written by people from more than 50 countries. You’ll eat at one of Madrid’s oldest restaurants, cross roads in New Delhi, and get a sense of Africa in Hong Kong. And other than traveling the world in just one book, you’ll also be doing a little good: all proceeds from the anthology’s sales go towards Book Aid International; a charity that provided more than 563,000 new books to over 3,000 libraries just last year!

So… what book will you be reading today?

[Photo credit: via Pinterest]